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Chris Howard awarded as Outstanding Graduate Student

We are proud to announce that Center graduate fellow Chris Howard has received the Fink Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student awarded by the Department of Philosophy here at the University of Arizona. Chris’s research interests lie at the intersection of ethics and epistemology. His current work concerns the normative relation of fittingness. Chris’s dissertation argues that the fittingness relation is metaphysically and epistemically first relative to the rest of the normative domain: that all other kinds of normative facts metaphysically and epistemically depend on facts about the fittingness of various types of response.

Three other philosophy graduate and undergraduate students were recognized for their academic achievements this year:

  • Riesen Prize for Outstanding Graduate Paper:  Michael Bukoski for “Constitutivism and the Action-Reasons Connection”
  • Julia Annas Graduate Student Teaching Award:  Kristin Reglitz
  • Riesen Undergraduate Prize:  Paul Addison

These are wonderful accomplishments, so congratulations to all!