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2022: LUMSA-EMLE-FC Summer School on Law, Economics, and Ethics of Markets and Regulation, June 13-17, Rome

FC-EMLE workshop at LUMSA in Italy 2022
photo credit EMLE – LUMSA

In 2022, Freedom Center (FC) scholars traveled to Rome to partner with LUMSA (Libera Università degli Studi Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma) University in Rome and the European Master in Law & Economics (EMLE) for the first edition of the LUMSA-EMLE-FC Summer School on Law, Economics, and Ethics of Markets and Regulation. LUMSA is Rome’s second oldest university and part of the EMLE consortium, which includes Aix-Marseille University (France), Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), Ghent University (Belgium), University of Haifa (Israel), University of Hamburg (Germany), Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (India), Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), and SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland).

The weeklong program included lectures, workshops, and presentations for EMLE students and other attendees. Freedom Center scholars, including Saura Masconale, Antonio Nicita, Mary Rigdon, David Schmidtz, and Simone Sepe, delivered lectures along with Luigino Bruni (LUMSA University), Pierre Garello (Aix-Marseille University), Laura Palazzani (LUMSA University), Federico Raimondi Slepoi (Erasmus University Rotterdam), and Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA University).

FC-EMLE workshop at LUMSA in Italy 2022
photo credit EMLE – LUMSA

2021: Instituto Bruno Leoni – FC Summer School, July 1-4, Franciacorta (BS)

IBL - FC Summer School Group Picture 2021

The Freedom Center partnered up with the Italian think-tank Instituto Bruno Leoni to deliver a four-day workshop on the “Commercial Society.” The workshop focused on an approach to studying civic society that integrates elements of economics and ethics, drawing inspiration from the book co-authored by the FC Founding Director David Schmidtz and West Virginia University Professor of economics Cathleen Johnson. The program was attended by more than two dozen students, including PhDs in philosophy and economics and graduate students, and saw the participation of several prominent Italian economists and philosophers, including IBL Director Prof. Alberto Mingardi (IULM University of Milan), Prof. Carlo Lottieri (University of Verona), and Prof. Rosamaria Bitetti (Luiss Guido Carli University).