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The Freedom Center’s Visiting Fellows Program doesn’t just bring bright minds to campus; it ignites a synergy between renowned academics and the University of Arizona community, all while supporting the Center’s core mission. Distinguished scholars join us for one to six weeks in an academic year receiving dedicated time and resources to advance their research projects. This focused environment enriches the intellectual atmosphere of both the Freedom Center and the broader university, particularly through our “Freedom Center Talk Series” where fellows present their work and engage in dynamic discussions with students and faculty.

We were delighted to welcome Dr. Laura Razzolini back to the Freedom Center for her forth visit in November. Razzolini, who serves as the Department Head of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies and Professor of Economics at The University of Alabama, shared insight into how her research aligns with the Freedom Center’s mission. “I see a real tie in to the Freedom Center’s Mission! My research is about understanding what makes people behave the way they behave and as you know the Freedom Center’s mission is promoting healthy discourse. If we’re on two sides of an issue, we learn a lot and we educate each other by listening to each other.”

Laura Razzolini

The Freedom Center values the opportunity to host scholars like Razzolini, whose expertise enriches our work. As an experimental economist, she runs experiments to test theories and predictions about human behavior. This research complements our mission of fostering spaces for meaningful conversations, even when people disagree, by helping us at the Freedom Center better understand why individuals behave the way they do and why they make the choices they make. As we better understand some of the underlying reasons for human behavior, we can make meaningful impact by creating spaces, tools and frameworks that encourage respectful disagreement.

For more information on Razzolini’s research, and the collaboration with Freedom Center Director, Dr. Mary Rigdon, read this spotlight article.

If you wish to connect with Razzolini during her next visits in March and April 2025, visit our website; we will have more info about her visit in the Spring!