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Dr. Mary L. Rigdon has been invited for an encore presentation of her research at the National Science Foundation. She will be the speaker on Women’s Equality Day, August 26th. The National Science Foundation will be hosting a panel discussion in celebration of Women’s Equality Day. The Diversity and Inclusion office along with the Women’s Employee Resource group have invited Dr. Rigdon to discuss her research on understanding the role of gender difference in competitiveness in explaining the gender wage gap. Dr. Rigdon’s research has the potential to significantly increase gender equality in wages and offers us relevant policy information to help organizations attract more women to leadership roles in competitive workplaces. We know that when individuals are paid based on their skills and their workplace contributions rather than based on their gender, it enhances an individual’s autonomy and furthers the economic empowerment of women. The average woman worker currently loses more than $530,000 over the course of her lifetime because of the gender wage gap and the average college-educated woman loses even more – nearly $800,000. The wage gap translates into less income for families and also significantly lower retirement benefits for working women. Closing the gender competitiveness gap will be a significant step toward closing the persistent gender wage gap. And that this can be accomplished by changing the incentive structures in organizations, rather than relying on governmental intervention, is significant.

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