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Politics, Philosophy & Economics


Public Affairs Quarterly

oxford_study_of_normative effect

Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics

social philosophy policy book cover

Social Philosophy & Policy

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics journal cover

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

Commercial Society corrected book cover

Commercial Society

Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 6 

A Philosopher’s Economist: Hume and the Rise of Capitalism

La Sociedad del Intercambio


Living Together

Ultimate Freedom by Keith Lehrer book cover

Ultimate Freedom: Beyond Free Will

Conversation and Responsibility cover

Conversation and Responsibility

Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings

Free Will: A Contemporary Introduction


Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 4 


The Oxford Handbook of Freedom

"...the more honourable animals have been allotted a more honourable soul..." What is the nature of the soul? It is this question that Aristotle sought to answer in De Anima (On the Soul). In doing so he offers a psychological theory that encompasses not only human beings but all living beings. Its basic thesis, that the soul is the form of an organic body, sets it in sharp contrast with both Pre-Socratic physicalism and Platonic dualism. On the Soul contains Aristotle's definition of the soul, and his explanations of nutrition, perception, cognition, and animal self-motion. The general theory in De Anima is augmented in the shorter works of Parva Naturalia, which deal with perception, memory and recollection, sleep and dreams, longevity, life-cycles, and psycho-physiology. This new translation brings together all of Aristotle's extant and complementary psychological works, and adds as a supplement ancient testimony concerning his lost writings dealing with the soul. The introduction by Fred D. Miller, Jr. explains the central place of the soul in Aristotle's natural science, the unifying themes of his psychological theory, and his continuing relevance for modern philosophy and psychology.

On the Soul: and Other Psychological Works

Institutionalizing the Just War

Institutionalizing the Just War


Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What Really Works, 3rd Edition

The Evolution of Moral Progress by Buchanan

The Evolution of Moral Progress: A Biocultural Theory 


Robert Nozick

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Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 5

Elements of Justice

Debating Education by Schmidtz and Brighouse_0

Debating Education: Is There a Role for Markets?

David Schmidtz and Harry Brighouse

Our Moral Fate

Handbook of Experimental Game Theory ed by Mary Rigdon lg

Handbook of Experimental Game Theory

Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy volume 3 cover

Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 3


Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 2

Steven Wall with David Sobel and Peter Vallentyne

Philosophy: Environmental Ethics

Michael McKenna

Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 1


Rational Choice and Moral Agency: 2015


The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism

The Heart of Human Rights by Buchanan

The Heart of Human Rights

Better than Human by Buchanan 2

Better than Human: The Promise and Perils of Biomedical Enhancement


Rational Choice and Democratic Deliberation: A Theory of Discourse Failure


Social Welfare and Individual Responsibility: For and Against


Elements of Justice


Perfectionism and Neutrality: Essays in Liberal Theory


Philosophy and Democracy: An Anthology


Robert Nozick

Rights Equality and Liberty ed by Pincione and Spector

Rights, Equality, and Liberty

Liberalism Perfectionism and Restraint crop

Liberalism, Perfectionism and Restraint


Modern Moral and Political Philosophy


The Rule of The Many: Fundamental Issues in Democratic Theory

Justice Legitimacy and Self-Determination by Buchanan 2

Justice, Legitimacy, and Self-Determination: Moral Foundations for International Law


The Constitution of Equality: Democratic Authority and Its Limits


Person, Polis, Planet: Essays in Applied Philosophy

Reasons for Action edited by Steve Wall and Dave Sobel crop

Reasons for Actions

Justice and Healthcare

Justice and Health Care


Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy

Human Rights Legitimacy and the Use of Force by Buchanan

Human Rights, Legitimacy, and the Use of Force


Creating Wealth: Ethical and Economic Perspectives


A Brief History of Liberty

Beyond Humanity by Buchanan

Beyond Humanity?

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