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James Otteson, Yeshiva University (Philosophy and Economics)

“Justice, Social Justice, and Ultimate Justice in Adam Smith”

Freedom Center Colloquium Series

On March 28th, James Otteson will be giving a talk entitled, “Justice, Social Justice, and Ultimate Justice in Adam Smith,” as part of the Freedom Center Colloquium Series. James teaches philosophy and economics at Yeshiva University and is co-chair of the Department of Philosophy. Here is an abstract for the talk:

“Adam Smith’s ‘negative’ conception of ‘justice’ seems rather thin, apparently disallowing positive duties toward others that some conceptions of ‘social justice,’ for example, wish to incorporate into ‘justice.’ Smith offers reasons in defense of his ‘thin’ conception, but do they justify the position? In this talk I will lay out Smith’s position, present his reasons for preferring it, and then raise and evaluate some ‘social justice’-related objections to it. I will then offer an interpretation of Smithian ‘ultimate justice’ that would address remaining social-justice worries.”

Please join us in the Kendrick Room at the Freedom Center for James’ talk!