The Freedom Center and Spring 2023 FC Talks series presents Mark Lehrer (Suffolk University).
Lehrer is Professor of Strategy and International Business at Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts. He obtained his PhD in Management from INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France) after previously studying at MIT and UC-Berkeley. His publications cover a wide variety of subjects around the topics of R&D, innovation, German business, and multinational corporations. In 2020–21 he was a Fulbright scholar in Israel and Germany.
Abstract: The survival of Ukraine as a sovereign state owes much to unforeseen effects of global tech markets for both capital and labor. It also raises some fascinating questions about the interplay between negative freedom (freedom from oppression) and positive freedom (the enabling of market actors to make decisions about the allocation of capital and labor). The talk and discussion will explore this interplay in an open-ended spirit.
Note: You can attend this talk in-person or virtually though Zoom.