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William Phan, North Carolina State University

Flipping a Coin to Determine Priorities

The Spring 2021 FC Talks series is dedicated to our late colleague, Patrick Harless. Patrick Harless was an economist who joined the Freedom Center in 2018. He was a dedicated educator who, although his work was highly technical, was able to teach economic topics all levels of students. This memorial series brings together talks by Harless’s former PhD advisor, his co-authors, and our own faculty.

William Phan is a Research Assistant Professor of Economics at North Carolina State University. His research is in microeconomic theory and the design of mechanisms to allocate and exchange resources. Just like Patrick, he earned his PhD under the supervision of William Thomson. William and Patrick co-authored “On Endowments and Indivisibility: Partial Ownership in the Shapley-Scarf Model” (Economic Theory, 2020) as well as the working paper “Efficient Mixtures of Priority Rules For Assigning Objects.” In his talk, William is going to present his joint work with Patrick.

This talk will be hosted on Zoom by Lucy Schwarz. Please contact Lucy for details if you are interested in attending or if you wish to be added to our listserv.

Event Contacts
Lucy Schwarz

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