2023: Institute for European Studies-Aix-Marseille University – FC Summer University in Political Economy, July 20-22, Aix-en-Provence

As our societies seem to move from one crisis to another – private and public finance crises, military crises, environmental crises and, of course, Covid – the search for good crisis management will be at the center of our discussions. The Summer University in Political Economy examined recent history, the roles played by governments and experts, but also what has been the result of private initiative. Despite the many failures of centralized and state responses to these numerous crises, many are calling for a “great reset” that would involve the establishment of a “new order” largely dominated by national and supranational Leviathans. The chances of success of these proposals as well as those of other modes of management, more respectful of freedom, dignity and individual responsibility, notably through subsidiarity will be explored.

The Summer University brought together twenty eminent researchers including Dr. Steve Davies (The Institute of Economic Affairs in London), Professor Jean-Philippe Feldman (Sciences Po Rennes), Professor Saura Masconale (University of Arizona), Professor Mario Rizzo (New York University), Professor David Schmidtz (University of Arizona), and Professor Simone Sepe (University of Arizona).

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2021: Institute for European Studies – Aix Marseille University – FC Summer School, July 8-11, Aix-en-Provence

Aix-en-Provence & Freedom Center summer school group photo

The Freedom Center partnered up with the European think-tank Institute for European Studies (IES) and the President of IES-Europe, Professor of Economics at the Faculté d’Economie et Gestion of Aix Marseille University in France, and Editor-in-Chief of both the Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines and Journal des Libertés, Professor Pierre Garello, to deliver a four-day workshop on the “Commercial Society.” The workshop focused on an approach to studying civic society that integrates elements of economics and ethics, drawing inspiration from the book co-authored by the FC Founding Director David Schmidtz and West Virgina University Professor of economics Cathleen Johnson. The program was attended by 30 students, including university professors in law and economics, PhDs in philosophy and economics, journalists, graduate students, high-school teachers in philosophy and economics, and members of the French Treasury Department.

Aix-en-Provence & Freedom Center summer school group photo