The Center for the Philosophy of Freedom partnered with LUMSA University to offer a summer school on “Law, Economics and Ethics of Markets and Regulation” in Rome from June 13th to June 17th, 2022.
Organized by: Saura Masconale (UA-FC), Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA), Giogia Lucchini (LUMSA), and Luca Megale (LUMSA).
The Democratic Cost of Corporate Activism – Saura Masconale (UA-FC)
Disgorgement and the Communion of Saints – Simone Sepe (UA-FC)
Evidence-Based Public Policy – New Tools from Experimental Economics– Cathleen Johnson (U.West Virginia)
Libertarian Paternalism: An Oxymoron? – Pierre Garello (U. Aix-Marseille)
Nudging and Bioethics – Laura Palazzani (LUMSA)
The Political Economy of Corruption – David Schmidtz (UA-FC)
Prices, Praises and Prizes – Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA)
Prosocial Option Increases Women’s Competitiviness and Closes the Gender Wage Gap – Mary Rigdon (UA-FC)
Signals and Biases – Antonio Nicita (LUMSA)
Some Thoughts on Ethics, Markets and Regulation – Luigino Bruni (LUMSA)
Nudges in Rome – Federico Raimondi Slepoi (U. Cornell)
- Tax compliance
- Urban mobility
- Fighting COVID-19
- About R2
Luigino Bruni is Full Professor of Economics at LUMSA University in Rome. His research is mainly concerned with the ethical and anthropological foundations of economic discourse. Together with Stefano Zamagni, he is the promoter and co-founder of the SEC – School of Civil Economy. After graduating in Economics in Ancona in 1989, Bruni obtained a PhD in History of Economic Thought from the University of Florence in 1998, and a second PhD in Economics from the University of East Anglia (UK) in 2004.
Pierre Garello is Professor of Economics at the Faculté d’Economie et Gestion of Aix Marseille University in France and EMLE local coordinator. He is also the President of IES-Europe and Editor-in-Chief of both the Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines and Journal des Liberté. He has published several articles on Austrian economics, law and economics (especially competition law and contract law). He also directs research for IREF, a think tank that promotes tax competition and sound public finances.
Cathleen Johnson is Assistant Professor of Economics, and Director for the Kendrick Center for an Ethical Economy, Chambers College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from Virginia Tech in 2000. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship with Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith in 2001. Her specialty after network theory is running large complex field experiments. She has developed a keen interest in the teaching of economics and numeracy in general. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Arizona Council for Economic Education. She has published in numerous economics journals including, among others, Games and Economic Behavior, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and is co-author of Commercial Society: A Primer on Ethics and Economics published by Rowman and Littlefield (2019).
Saura Masconale is Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona Department of Political Economy and Moral Science and Outreach Director of the University of Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom. At the Freedom Center, she is also in charge of the Master of Legal Studies – Law & Economics Concentration, that the Center cosponsors with the James E. Rogers College of Law. Her research encompasses the broad domain of “law and political economy,” which studies how the intersection of legal entitlements, politics and economic forces affect society. In particular, her scholarship to date has focused on exploring the implications of this intersection in the public corporation context. Masconale holds a doctoral degree in law and economics from LUISS Guido Carli University (Rome) and a J.D. from University of Bologna. Before entering into academia, she practiced law at Clifford Chance LLC, an international law firm headquartered in London.
Antonio Nicita is Professor of Economic Policy at LUMSA University in Rome, member of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (European Commission), Visiting Scholar of the Center for Research in Regulated Industries at Rutgers University and Visiting Fellow at the University of Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom. He served as Commissioner of the Italian Telecoms, Media, and Postal Regulatory Authority (AGCOM) for seven years (2014–2020) and held several OECD advisory positions, including most recently as a member of the OECD Steering Group on Regulation & Emerging Technology. He writes at the intersection of economics, law, and public policy, especially as they apply to digital, media, data, and platforms technology.
Laura Palazzani is Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at LUMSA University in Rome, vice-president of the Italian Committee for Bioethics, member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies at the European Commission, and Member of the UNESCO Bioethics Committee. Her research interests include philosophy of law and bioethics. She graduated from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and holds a PhD in bioethics from Università Cattolica in Rome. She has also been a Visiting Researcher in Biomedical Ethics at Georgetown University.
Federico Raimondi Slepoi is a behavioural economist. He is currently a researcher at Cornell University and has previously taught at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the University of Milan-Bicocca. Raimondi Slepoi founded R², the first operational unit of behavioural economics in Italy, at Roma Capitale and is a member of the OECD Behavioral insights network of experts.
Mary Rigdon is Research Professor and Associate Director of the University of Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, and Faculty Affiliate at the University of Arizona Department of Political Economy and Moral Science. She utilizes incentivized lab and experiments to explore theories in behavioral economics and decision sciences. Much of her research focuses on Principal-Agent relationships and how, in the absence of complete contracts, they reach cooperative, efficient outcomes. She is particularly interested in how institutional mechanisms can help foster reaching these outcomes. Rigdon received her Ph.D. in Economics and Mechanism Design from The University of Arizona in 2001.
Matteo Rizzolli is Associate Professor of Economic Policy at LUMSA University of Rome. He holds a Ph.D. in Law and Economics (University of Siena). He coordinates the European Master of Law and Economics at LUMSA and he is the treasurer of the Italian Society of Law and Economics. He co-edits the International Review of Economics; he is member of the Board of the Economy of Francesco, auditor of the Forum delle Associazioni Familiari and member of the academic board of the LUMSA Ph.D. program in Civil Economy. His research interests concern primarily law & economics, behavioral public policy and regulation, experimental economics, family economics and family policies.
David Schmidtz is Kendrick Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona Department of Philosophy,Eller Chair of Service-Dominant Logic and joint Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona Eller College of Management, founder and director of the University of Arizona Center for Philosophy of Freedom and editor-in-chief of Social Philosophy & Policy. He is the author of many books and articles – his work has been reprinted 107 times in 16 languages. His scholarship aspires to pick up where the Scottish Enlightenment left off, treating Ethics as a subject that begins and ends with observation: specifically, observation of the human condition and of what tends to improve it.
Simone Sepe is Chester H. Smith Professor of Law and Finance at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. His areas of expertise include business organizations, corporate finance, contract theory, law and economics, law and philosophy, and empirical methods. He is a Faculty Affiliate at the University of Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom. His main scholarship focuses on theoretical and empirical problems related to corporate governance, although he has recently expanded his research interest to contract law, the theory of institutions, and political philosophy. He holds doctoral degrees in both law and economics. Professor Sepe practiced banking and finance law at Clifford Chance, an international law firm based in London, and worked as an investment banker at Fortress Investment Group in London and New York.