Lynn A. Jansen is an Associate Professor at the University of Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom. She does work in Bioethics, Research Ethics, and Clinical Medical Ethics. She has published extensively in biomedical ethics on topics including end of life care, medical beneficence, physician aid in dying, exploitation, paternalism and altruism. Her current research focuses on informed consent in human subjects research and clinical care, paying special attention to how cognitive biases impact patient decision making.
Lynn is the past recipient of two NIH grants and one Greenwall Foundation grant that studied barriers to informed consent in early phase cancer trials. She is managing editor of Social Philosophy and Policy, co-editor (with Daniel P. Sulmasy) of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics and the editor of Death in the Clinic.
Lynn received her PhD from Columbia University. She did post-doctoral work in medical ethics at the University of Chicago.
Prior to coming to the University of Arizona, Lynn was the Madeline Brill Nelson Chair in Ethics Education at Oregon Health & Science University (11 years) and an Associate Professor at New York Medical College (10 years).