Droit & Croissance/Rules for Growth Institute (D&C), an independent research laboratory with the ambition of fostering growth in France by enhancing the economic effectiveness of the law, has invited Saura Masconale, Freedom Center Associate Director and Assistant Professor of Political Economy & Moral Science, to join its Steering Committee.
Alan Schwartz, Sterling Professor at Yale University School of Law School and School of Management, is President of the Steering Committee, which includes distinguished scholars from universities worldwide. It is the body in charge of issuing proposals concerning D&C research projects, and its members take part directly in its work.
As Associate Director of the Freedom Center, Dr. Masconale leads the Center’s efforts to develop strategic partnerships with prestigious European universities that enhance the Center’s influence as a premier research institution and educational hub. Examples include collaborations with LUMSA University in Rome, Tor Vergata University of Rome, the Institute for Economic Studies Europe (IES Europe), and the European Master in Law & Economics (EMLE). She is also in charge of the Master of Legal Studies in Law & Economics, which the Center cosponsors with the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. She was competitively selected for the University of Arizona Academic Leadership Institute in 2021-22.