On March 2, 2013, the Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom hosted a workshop on the recent work of Daniel Silvermint, which focuses on oppression, victim agency, and the value of resistance. Daniel is a GRIPP/RGCS Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University, as well as a recent alumnus of the University of Arizona (2012). In the fall, Daniel will be moving into a tenure-track position with the Department of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut, with a joint appointment to the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Comments on the manuscript will be delivered in two 90-minute sessions by Marilyn Friedman and Samantha Brennan. For more information about the workshop participants, please follow the links below:
Daniel Silvermint, McGill University / University of Connecticut
Marilyn Friedman, Vanderbuilt University
Samantha Brennan, University of Western Ontario